Customer Testimonials
Dependable Warranty Exchange Service- After the Sale!
5 star review 5 star review 5 star review 5 star review 5 star review
Dependable Warranty Exchange Service- After the Sale!
"We bought a drive from you that worked for a month. Suddenly, it quit working. You guys sent us a new drive the next day and I shipped you back the faulty unit for you to repair for your inventory. I am more than happy with your warranty exchange service and how quickly you were able to help us out. That is what I call a hassle free warranty. Way to go!!"

DC Industries

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Phone number: 989-922-0043 or email:

*During Business Hours, we will contact you within the hour.

*After hours: We will contact you the next business day.


Shipping Address

615 Andre Street, Bay City, Michigan, 48706


Special Note

To cancel or modify an order, please call our customer service department at 989-922-0043, we cannot process this type of request via email.


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