Customer Testimonials
Ready Inventory Resolves Issues
5 star review 5 star review 5 star review 5 star review 5 star review
Ready Inventory Resolves Issues
"At first, there were still issues, not with the drive that was delivered by you, but other machine issues. The problems have been fixed and everything is running smoothly."

Bill D.
Maintenance Manager
Tier 1 Automotive Supplier

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Learning Center - History of Repair Zone

Repair Zone launched in 2008.
Repair Zone's mother company, York Repair, had been in business for 43+ years performing electric motor and industrial repair. When a successful Ebay store proved to be a good source of revenue we decided to start an entirely new company.  Although we had been performing servo motor repair for 30+ years, and drives and electronics for about 10 years, Repair Zone had the capability of serving customers outside the region. With a desire to have a further repair reach to customers outside the region coupled with a growing inventory of automation equipment, Repair Zone was born. 

Repair Zone now boasts a full industrial repair facility including: an 80,000 square foot Technician Center, a winding department, a full machining center, a servo motor lab, an electronics lab, a field services department, an asset management program and warehousing space for our inventory. Repair Zone continues to reinvent itself in and find new ways to offer valuable services to our customers.


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