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Indramat Power Supply Repair

If your machine is outfitted with Indramat components and you have found that the power supply has failed, we offer a repair that will last.

Because we work with and understand the entire servo loop, Indramat power supplies are a common, send-in repair. The series that we see most are the TVD and TVR, TVM, KDV, and the newer HVR and HVE power supplies from the Diax 04 series.

Here we have an HVR02.2-W010N power supply in for repair. After a static check, we connect power to the unit to confirm the fault, it is then taken apart; and taken to our wash-down area for a full cleaning, followed by an over-night in our bake oven to rid the unit of moisture. We first tackle the issues leading to failure - in this case, a damaged board. We then do a number of preventative maintenance measures like:

• Replacing all fans
• Clean out heat-sink
• Inspect and repair any cold solder joints and reflow pin connections
• Inspect ceramic resistors • Service and test contactors and switches
• Replace Opto-couplers
• Check all high-current terminal connections for heat or age fatigue
• Replace all Electrolytic Capacitors
• Replace damaged shrouds, inspect all appropriate mounting points for ease of re-installation
• Inspect braking circuit and resistor for abnormal breakdown or physical inconsistencies
• Test and apply new thermal paste for all power blocks like the IGBT’s, braking transistor, and Diode blocks

These and other measures are done to drastically increase the longevity of the unit, while some are done for safety reasons. Once all repairs are complete, the unit is connected to the appropriate test stand. Our thorough repair methods bring your equipment back to a “higher” remanufactured state.

With a 1-year warranty we guarantee your satisfaction. Whether you have an Indramat Power supply, a drive, an operator panel or a servo motor that needs repair or you need to purchase one from our 10,000 parts, trust Repair Zone! - Your Indramat experts!

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