The Exchange Process at Repair Zone
How to Exchange Your bad equipment with one of our Remanufactured products
Watch this short video to find out how to exchange your broken componenet with one of our Remanufactured units with full warranty.
Here is how the exchange process works:
Upfront you will pay the full remanufactured price
Once the order is placed an Exchange Slip will be generated
Most remanufactured items ship in 3 days or less, so you can eliminate downtime
When you receive the remanufactured item from us place your exchange or “core” item in the original box
Don’t forget to put your Exchange Slip in the box
Core credit will be issued for items that can be repaired
In this case, the final cost will be the "base exchange price" listed on our website
Also, you will be notified if your core does not meet these requirements
In this case, no credit is issued and the price you pay upfront does not change